Manac is very proud to present its first 60' van!
You read correctly ! 60 F-E-E-T.
This is a special project for a client who wanted to circulate on private land between their plants (so no permits required).
In the context of driver shortages, rising diesel prices and in an effort to reduce the ecological footprint of transportation, companies are looking for solutions to optimize each load. The provinces of Ontario and Alberta are the first to have issued special permits to assess the risks and benefits of using 60' vans – with the maximum length normally permitted being 53'. In Canada, in July 1994, following pressure from carriers and trucking associations, the length allowed on the roads was increased from 48 feet to 53 feet. The change allowed carriers to add another pallet's length in the trailers. The current length limit has been set to 53' for the following reasons:
- The maneuverability of tractor/semi-trailer combinations to allow turns in complete safety
- Automotive association lobbying
- Lengths and overtaking times on motorways and secondary roads
The pilot project is soon coming to an end, and we look forward to seeing the results.