Powerwing Log Trailer

Robust B-Train Log Trailer

Optional features


Manac high lift suspension, Disc Brakes, Extended Wheel End Options, Aluminum Rims


Optional 96" high removeable headboard

Log Loader

Structure ready to receive log loader


30'-2" Lead and 28'-5" Pup
Deck Height
60" at front and 50" at rear
Coupler Height
King Pin
Bolted at 36" on lead and 24" on pup
Drop Height
Sub Structure
Coupler Plate
Holland fifth wheel installed on lead unit
Body Structure
Coupler Plate
5/16"-3/8" plug welded structure
10" high, with integrated nose ramp and 48" straight behind king pin
1/4" plate in king pin area and the remaining in 3/16", 80 000 psi steel with parachute shaped holes to lighten trailer
1/2" x 4" on lead and 3/8" x 4" on pup, 100 000 psi steel
4" I beams 80 000 psi steel, between main beams
Checker plate 1/8" at front and above suspensions at rear, between main beams only (no wood flooring at all)
Front End
3/16" thick formed plate, 80 000 psi steel with glad hand protectors
Lead unit 6" x 4" x 1/4" tubing with spring loaded mudflap hangers and pup is forestry type, tubing with integated push & pull plates installed on bumper uprights
Checker plate 1/8", above truck wheels, sloping on lead unit
6 total - 3 fixed sets of bunks with fabricated boxes located at 65", 64" and 72' c/c on lead unit and 3 sets at 65", 59" anc 51" c/c on pup unit
Qty: 24 total (12 on lead and 12 on pup), ultra light, galvanized, bottom 4" x 4", curved, 80,000 & 100,000 psi steel
Main System
Grote Ultra Blue LED sealed lights & wiring harness system meets Transport Canada and DOT requirements
LED shock proof lights with polycarbonate lenses with a total of 10 rear tail lights on pup unit only
Hendrickson HT
Retaining Chains
On ground axles with air ride suspension
ABS System
Wabco ABS 2S-1M
Air System
Additional set located on lead unit by rear bumper and additional set fixed by landing gear on pup unit with coil hoses
Accessories & Finishing
Shot blasted, one coat of epoxy primer and two polyurethane acrylic top coats with gravel guard applied to the suspension hangers
Conspicuity tape complies with DOT and CMVSS standards
2 fixed and recessed between first set on lead unit, and total of 10 fixed (4 on lead and 6 on pup) and tilted 45 degrees, located road side between bunks, all with handles
Lashing Rings
Qty: 12, lashing pockets on the opposite side of winches, 6 on the lead and 6 on the pup

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April 2023

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